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Source: Yongkang Yatai Cup Co., Ltd.Release time: 2019-12-16

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1. Reduce meat. Dr. Jeffrey Flem, a professor of nutrition and registered dietitian at Murray State University, said the most critical aspect of a heart disease diet is to reduce meat intake. Animal foods and saturated fats always go hand in hand. Heart disease patients should minimize meat (especially fatty) foods and high-fat, high-cholesterol foods such as animal offal. Too much fat intake can easily lead to obesity, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. And too much cholesterol intake can increase coronary heart disease, fatty liver and hyperlipidemia. Suggestions: eat less fatty meat, cream, butter and other high-fat foods, less animal liver, brain and roe and other high-cholesterol foods; eat more beans, soy is rich in lecithin and inorganic salts to help prevent coronary heart disease.

2. Limit harmful fats. Dr. Melissa Olson, head of the heart disease prevention and rehabilitation program at the Cleveland Clinic, said heart patients should read food labels carefully before buying food. If a serving of food has more than 2 grams of saturated fat, then it can be harmful to heart health. Also, foods with more than 1 gram of trans fat per 100 calories available should be avoided. Many packaged snacks do not meet the standard, including baked snacks, cookies and potato chips.

3. Eat more vegetarian food. A major commonality among people with heart disease is that many have consumed too much saturated fat and not enough vegetables and fruits for many years. Fresh fruits and vegetables and legumes are rich in many vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants and dietary fiber, which help reduce high blood pressure and protect the cardiovascular. Dietary fiber helps reduce cholesterol production in the body and reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. There are many vegetarian foods rich in fiber, such as, celery, leeks, dried plums, bamboo shoots, soybeans, oats, etc. Studies have found that a daily intake of 26 grams of fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease in women, while the risk of myocardial infarction is also relatively lower.

4. Maintain a healthy weight. A study involving nearly 3,000 men found that men with a body mass index (BMI) between 25-29 (overweight) had a 72% higher risk of heart disease over a three-year period than men with a BMI of 23 or less. Obese men have a greater risk of heart disease, with men with a BMI greater than 33 having a 244% increased risk of heart disease. Therefore, controlling the diet, exercising actively, losing weight properly and maintaining a healthy weight are beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease.

5. Replace red meat with other proteins. Dr. Olson said that red meat is particularly high in saturated fat. To reduce saturated fat intake, you should eat less red meat such as steak, or replace red meat with chicken or fish to help protect your heart more in the long run.